French is considered one of the easiest languages for a native English speaker to learn. The grammar and sentence structure are different from English, but simpler. Because both languages have Latin roots, they also share thousands of cognates – words that sound the same and have the same meanings.
A language is more than a bunch of words and rules for how to put those words together; it is another world. Speaking French gives you access to the world of over 75 million native speakers in France, Belgium and Luxembourg, and 263 million people around the rest of the world who speak it as a second language. Not only is French relatively easy to pick up and start speaking, understanding it gives you a huge head-start to understanding other Romance languages like Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
A world Language ?
More than 263 million people speak French on the five continents.
A Language for the job market
The ability to speak French and English is an advantage on the international job market
A language for Travel
The ability to speak even a little speak french comes in handy when travelling to Paris, Canada, Africa and most of the european countries.
A language for Higher Education
Speaking french open up studies opportunities at renowned French universities and business schools ,ranked among the top higher education institution in europe and the world .The other language of international relation, a language that opens up, a language that is fun to learn a language for learning others languages the language of love and reason and more…It is clear that learning french will increase your job opportunities and learning capacity .
The language courses is designed for everybody from the age of seven and above. It can be 100% customised as par requirement .

-French classes for schools:
-As per CBSE, ICSE, IGSCE, syllabus for levels
-As per Karnataka State PUC Syllabus:
-As per CBSE
-Importances, exporters..
-Businessmen Travellers
-General purposes
-For higher studies
-For working profetionals
-For immigration purpose
-Job seekers in french projects
-Proffesionals from Hotels and tourism industry